måndag 26 augusti 2013

Min underbara sommar // My wonderful summer

När sommaren just hade börjat, i juni, tog min äldste son studenten. Det var ett stolt ögonblick att se den unge man som det blivit av honom ta sitt första steg ut i vuxenlivet

In the beginning of June, when summer just begun my oldest son graduated from High School here in Vienna. It was a proud moment to see the young man, that he has become take his first steps into adult life.
The hat he is throwing is the swedish traditional "studentmössa" which is the sign that you have accomplished your graduation.

Sen började våra nyplanterade rosor att blomma!

Then our newly planted roses started to bloom!

Och vi fick vara med om en magisk Paul McCartney konsert här i Wien med en 71 årig McCartney som höll ut och spelade i tre hela timmar! Han gav endast tre konserter i Europa, den här gången.

And then we where priviliged to attend a magic Paul McCartney concert here in Vienna with a 71 year old McCartney, who played for three whole hours in a row! There where only three concerts in all of Europe this time.

Traditionell Midsommar firades i min trädgård med denna Midsommarstång!

The traditional Mid-Summer was celebrated with this Midsummerpole in my back yard!

Sen besökte vi öarna Reichenau och Mainau i Bodensjön i Tyskland, där vi bl a fick se vackra kyrkor och ett vackert slott, som tillhört en svensk Greve.

Then we visited the islands of Reichenau and Mainau in Lake Konstanz in Germany, there we visited beautiful churches and even a Castle that once belonged to a Swedish Duke.

Blommor på ön Reichenau:

Flowers on the Island Reichenau:

Slottet Mainau:

The Castle of Mainau:

Efter en låång bilresa kom vi så fram till Italien och vårt favorit semestermål i Europa. Friuli.

After a lon car-trip we reached Italy and our favorite place in Europe! Friuli.

Det här är ved för vår öppna spis men det var för varmt för att elda!Över 40 C

This is wood for our cabin, but it was to hot to make a fire! Over 40 C

Till sist skulle ju också hemlandet besökas, denna gång Dalarna och Vasaloppsstarten

And finally the homeland had to be visited, this time Dalacarlia and the Start of one of the worlds largest long distance X-country ski events (90K) Vasaloppet.

Och lite vandring i underbara Saldalen i Sälen hann vi också med. Jag, maken och äldste sonen.

And some hiking in the wonderful Salvalley in Sälen also had to be done. Me my husband and our oldest son.

Innan yngste sonens konfirmation skulle bevistas, hm nu är de vuxna alla tre...

Before we enjoyed the Confirmation of our youngest, hm they are all grown up now...

8 kommentarer:

  1. What beautiful photos. Congratulations to your eldest on his graduation. Thank you for your nice comment and stopping by my blog. Heather

  2. Thank you to you to for kind comments!

  3. Now that looks like a great summer. Beautiful photos.

    Wishing you the most wonderful day.

  4. å vad gullig du är! och vilken tokhärlig sommar du ser ut att ha haft. totalt fantastisk ju! kram eddy

  5. Tack Eddy! ja det var jättehärligt!

  6. oh my goodness karin-ida, this is an amazing post. i loved seeing the photos and learning more about your country. huge congratulations to your son. such lovely photos too! hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx lori

    1. thank you Lori for your kind words!
      I'll tell him your congrats!
      ps you have to go to Sweden ;) I am sure you would enjoy it!
